Download youtube videos with Tampermonkey

Tampermonkey extension allow user to run custom scripts, and provider a script to download from youtube. First, install Tampermonkey Open and install the extension for your browser. Second, install helper Open and install the script. Now you…

Tox - the most secure communication software

Tox is a simple and secure communication software, based on distrubited network with end to end encryption enabled. And also It has features that most other softwares have, instant message, voice/video calls, screen sharing, file sharing, group chat. You can download Tox from, and add groupbot…

Enable BBR to speed up TCP

Debian 9 or Ubuntu 17.04 contains kernel above 4.9, and not needed to update. For Debian 8, you can install version 4.9 by the following commands: apt-get install linux-base -t jessie-backports apt-get install linux-image-4.9.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 For other Debian based Linux, download and install the…

Ways to make SSH more secure

SSH was designed as a replacement for Telnet and for unsecured remote shell protocols. It encrypts all traffic to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. I concluded some ways to make SSH more secure as below. 1.Create a non-root user adduser yourusername su yourusername 2.Create SSH keys…

Setup mail server with Dovecot and Postfix

Dovecot is an open source IMAP and POP3 email server. Postfix is a fast and secure SMTP mail server. Both Dovecot and Postfix are widely used open source projects that can run on UNIX-like systems. Install Dovecot and Postfix apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d apt-get install postfix Configure Dovecot 1.Create…

Install and configure nginx

Nginx is the most popular HTTP server next to Apache, and it is also a reverse proxy and mail proxy server. The name nginx comes from "engine X" which sounds like a secret weapon, and in fact, it is remarkable for its high performance, low-resource usage, and legacy…

Configure uWSGI in emperor mode

uWSGI is the most popular application gateway interface, like CGI, fastcgi. It is high-performance and pluggable. It implements application server interfaces for various languages and platforms: WSGI, PSGI, Rack, Lua WSAPI, CGI, PHP, Go, etc. We can use the uWSGI emperor to manage application instances, and it's easy to configure…

Install shadowsocks in 5 minutes

IPv4 is last generation protocol of the internet, and it is not secure. Shadowsocks is designed to make the network secure, and it is faster than HTTPS and more reliable than VPN. Steps to install python version shadowsocks: 1.Install shadowsocks pip install shadowsocks gevent 2.Configure vi /etc/shadowsocks.…